Week Zero

The first thing I noticed opened my eyes wide. I had felt awful for many years, but I hadn’t realized how terrible I really was feeling. I knew that I felt horrible and had felt so for most of my life. But then, in a half hour it all started to fall away and I expected something to change

But I had no idea how good it could feel to exist.

It began with a cool wave of relief and euphoria-

In the first hour I not only began to feel better, but I started to feel happiness, euphoria and a wholeness I didn’t think I ever felt before or lost long ago. I’m told this phase will go for a while until the sensation levels off and I grow used to it, but it just blew my mind. That I could feel that much better. I could function function as an emotionally healthy human, I didn’t know this was possible.

The best way to describe it is if you’ve ever seen the videos of the colorblind getting eyewear that helps them see the colors they hadn’t been able to see before. It was like that, but for my mental state, I was awestruck, no other way to say it.

It turns out that having the right balance for one’s body is a pretty important part of being able to feel good.

Who knew?

I can’t wait until next week.